上海的天气怎么样?雪很大。whats the weather like in shanghai? it snows heavily.(2)那里正在下雪吗?不,正在下雨。is it snowing there? No, its raining (3)你情况怎么样,丹尼?还行。Are you ok,Dany? Yes,Im all right.(4)我对那件事情感到惊讶。
Happy New Year!Tom!汤姆,新年快乐!Hows the weather down there in Shanghai?上海那边天气如何?Itscloudy.Hows the weather in Boston?阴天多云。波士顿呢?Its windy.大风。
The weather of today is very sunny. It looks its going to snow. It is always very cold in winter in Beijing Whats the weather like in Shanghai tomorrow I dont like the weather in guangdong.很高兴为您解祝你学习进步!【语数英科】团队为您答题。
天气的英语是weather。英 [we(r)] 美 [wer]n. 天气,气象,境遇 vt. 使风化,经受住,使日晒雨淋 vi. 风化,褪色,经受风雨 adj. 上风的,天气预报的 例句:The meteorologist drew a picture of the weather.翻译:气象学者画了一张气象图。
1、The weather of beijing is much hotter than that of shanghai.是对的。
2、北京的天气比上海的天气热的多。The weather in Beijing is much hotter than that in Shanghai.中国比亚洲任何一个国家都大。China is larger than any other country in Asia.他比我大三岁。He is three years older than I.中国是世界上最古老的国家。
4、写作思路:从春夏秋冬四个季节,把北京的特点写出来。Summer is very hot, so we can wear thin clothes: like jacket, skirts, shorts。夏季是非常热的,所以我们可以穿着比较薄的衣服:如同短衣、短裙、短裤。Spring weather warmed, so we can wear:as shirt, thin dress, thin T-shirt。
6、北京秋天的天气怎么样英语如下:What is the weather like in autumn in Beijing 北京的秋天如下:北京秋天是9-11月。秋天北京今年秋季天气怎么样的特点北京今年秋季天气怎么样:温度渐降、秋风送爽、炎暑顿消、硕果满枝、田野金黄。
4、Whats the weather like in Beijing?希望我的回答能够帮到你,望采纳!祝你学习进步,天天快乐。
5、北京的天气不如福州的好用英语怎么说两种... 北京的天气不如福州的好用英语怎么说两种 展开 我来答 分享 微信扫一扫 网络繁忙请稍后重试 新浪微博 QQ空间 举报 浏览1 次 可选中1个或多个下面的关键词,搜索相关资料。也可直接点“搜索资料”搜索整个问题。
1、上海的天气怎么样?雪很大。whats the weather like in shanghai? it snows heavily.(2)那里正在下雪吗?不,正在下雨。is it snowing there? No, its raining (3)你情况怎么样,丹尼?还行。Are you ok,Dany? Yes,Im all right.(4)我对那件事情感到惊讶。
2、The weather of today is very sunny. It looks its going to snow. It is always very cold in winter in Beijing Whats the weather like in Shanghai tomorrow I dont like the weather in guangdong.很高兴为您解祝你学习进步!【语数英科】团队为您答题。
3、Hey,Peter,Happy New Year!嗨,彼得,新年快!Happy New Year!Tom!汤姆,新年快乐!Hows the weather down there in Shanghai?上海那边天气如何?Itscloudy.Hows the weather in Boston?阴天多云。波士顿呢?Its windy.大风。
4、今天天气怎么样用英文翻译有两种。Whats the weather like today?Hows the weather today?what用作疑问代词时,其基本意思是“什么,什么东西,什么事情”,用作疑问句,为特殊疑问句的一个标志。
5、天气的英语是weather。英 [we(r)] 美 [wer]n. 天气,气象,境遇 vt. 使风化,经受住,使日晒雨淋 vi. 风化,褪色,经受风雨 adj. 上风的,天气预报的 例句:The meteorologist drew a picture of the weather.翻译:气象学者画了一张气象图。
The weather in Beijing is different from that in shanghaiAfter the rain stopped,the sun came out。
对呀,直接说Beijing is colder than Shanghai. 就可以了,不说weather也都知道说的是weather了,完全没必要说那么多。
解 这句话错误翻译,主要有两点: ① 这里“北京的”不是隶属关系of,而是指在北京的处所关系in Beijing。② 比较的对象混乱,应该是两种不同的weather比较,重复时用that代替。改正:The weather in Beijing is colder than that in Shanghai. 知识: 英语学习时常常用到比较结构。